IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook Training – Visualise The World

Category: Analysis News

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook (i2 ANB) helps analysts to quickly collate, analyse and visualise data from different sources and then produce actionable intelligence. This intelligence can be used to help identify, predict, prevent and disrupt criminal, terrorist and fraudulent activities. Recognised as experts for our deep knowledge of the software and our ability to teach at all levels we are now employed by governments, security forces, and other organisations worldwide to help improve how they use IBM i2 ANB to make …

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook Training from £250

Category: Analysis News

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook (i2 ANB) helps analysts to quickly collate, analyse and visualise data from different sources and then produce actionable intelligence. This intelligence can be used to help identify, predict, prevent and disrupt criminal, terrorist and fraudulent activities. Recognised as experts for our deep knowledge of the software and our ability to teach at all levels we are now employed by governments, security forces, and other organisations worldwide to help improve how they use IBM i2 ANB to make …

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook Training

Category: Analysis News

IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook (i2 ANB) helps analysts to quickly collate, analyse and visualise data from different sources and then produce actionable intelligence. This intelligence can be used to help identify, predict, prevent and disrupt criminal, terrorist and fraudulent activities. We are internationally-acclaimed experts in the use of IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook. Originally trained by IBM-approved suppliers we have used this analytical software operationally for many years on a wide variety of investigations. Recognised as experts for our deep knowledge …

Seizing Social Media’s Potential

Category: Analysis News

(This story was originally published in 2015) Social media as an analytical tool is all the rage. Yet there are some who are yet to be convinced of its utility. If we fail to see the value it has as a rich source of analytical insight then we fail to succeed in a future where it will be an essential starting point for analysis. This is a key reason why I have been developing new training programmes at Atlas Analytics focused on open source information and especially social media. But what is its power and does it offer genuine insights? …